We are an Africa focused investment banking group based in London, United Kingdom.
We focus on financing companies and projects in Africa.
We work with management teams, shareholders, private equity investors, privately owned businesses and large businesses on all aspects of corporate finance transactions, from mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and company sales to management buy-outs (MBO’s), trade and commodities financing, leveraged buy outs (LBOs), issuance of bonds and a wide range of other financial and fundraising transactions.
Our approach is to leverage our worldwide contacts and relationships to ensure each client receives insightful advice, tailored to deliver the best individual solutions.
Our specialists work together to address product, business, sectoral, structural and technical issues.
Solutions are devised and delivered by experienced execution professionals. A sizable portion of our staff focus on research and origination.
This allows us to ensure that our products and solutions are truly market leading and in many cases groundbreaking.
We are an Africa focused investment banking group that focuses on attracting capital to companies and projects in Africa.
We work with management teams, shareholders, private equity investors, privately owned businesses and large businesses on all aspects of corporate finance transactions, from mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and company sales to management buy-outs (MBO’s), trade and commodities financing.
leveraged buy outs (LBOs). issuance of bonds and a wide range of other financial and fundraising transactions.
Our approach is to leverage on our worldwide contacts and relationships to ensure each client receives insightful advice, tailored to deliver the best individual solutions.
Our specialists with detailed. expert knowledge work together to address geographic product. business, sector, structural and technical issues.
Solutions are devised and delivered by experienced execution professionals. A sizable portion of our staff focus on research and origination, this allows us to ensure that our products and solutions are truly market leading and in many cases groundbreaking.






We help with all aspects of corporate finance whether it is a bond issue, an IPO, a project finance deal or a share restructuring project, we also have exceptional contacts around the world for clients seeking to diversify or enter new markets.
In addition, we also have an exceptional research institute whose primary aim is to support all of the divisions of the Evago Group with exceptional and cutting edge research in business. finance, global and local politics, history as well as social trends and other ad hoc projects as required by our clients. All of this intellectual capital is available to all of our clients.
For governments, we advise on various economic as well as social issues. We also help them raise finance using standard and also innovative financing techniques. We make recommendations to our clients that take into account their aspirations of where they want to be in the medium to long term.
One of the more common aspirations we come across is the need for countries to have more diversified economies and to achieve this, primarily citizens must become more entrepreneurial.
Our system seeks to create a balance between diversifying economies on one hand while at the same time protecting and expanding the competitive advantage of these nations.
Another common aspiration is the need for countries to build infrastructure and improve their social capabilities in areas such as health and education, in these cases; we advise countries on procurement issues, bench marking performance from service providers. financing options including PPP and different forms of project financing, dispute resolution mechanisms, roles of stakeholders, and incentives offered by relevant government ministries and agencies.
We also have a wide network of investors so we are able to place securities and raise funds on behalf of our corporate and sovereign clients.
To further enhance our knowledge and provide clients with greater insight at operational and business strategy levels. our industry advisers assist our clients in value creation, complementing our own team of deal professionals in sourcing and delivering on business opportunities.